Wow...so it's been a while since I've updated! Where does the time go. I will say though, it's kinda funny that I waited so long, considering I'm constantly checking friends blogs and loving it when a new update shows up on the screen. I'll try and do better. :)

Sleeping pictures are just so sweet!

Looking up at Daddy!

Not a whole lot has gone on in the past month, but it has still been a good one. Like the rest of you dealing with the sweltering heat, we stayed in a lot. However, that granted more time to play and time to continue learning about the sweet little personality that makes up our little girl. Catelyn is smiling all the time and is starting to giggle some. It's precious! She's sleeping through the night now, and I'm not going to lie- every morning when I get up and I've had that wonderful continuous sleep, it's like a little gift. I almost feel like birds should be chirping all around me. I'm sure you other mothers out there know just what I'm talking about. :) Anyways, this past weekend was Will's birthday and my mom came in town and kept Catelyn so he and I could go out on a much needed date. We did the dinner and a movie thing, and it was great! It was just fun getting to spend that one on one time together. We're headed for the beach this Thursday, and I'm so excited. It will be our first vacation since May of last year. Where the time goes, I just don't know. I'll be sure to post lost of pics once we get back. I'm curious to see how Catelyn will react to all of it. She's still pretty little, so she may not think much at all, but it will still be fun playing with her in the pool and the sand. Oh well, that's all for now. Enjoy the pics!

Sleeping pictures are just so sweet!

Looking up at Daddy!

Hi sweet girl!