Thursday, February 19, 2009

Great Find!

A couple weeks back, I was at my sister's house and we were looking at blogs. On one of her friends blogs, she posted about a super cute dress she found for her daughter for $1.50 at the thrift store. After seeing the post, I was itching to get to our thrift store to see what kinds of bargains I could find. I made my first trip a couple of weeks ago on Wednesday. What luck...Wednesday is half off day. Whohoo!! I ended up getting Catelyn 'children's place' overalls, two pairs of shorts and a super cute Nike Alabama sweat shirt all for under $5!! I decided to go back this week and I'm so excited about my find. I got Catelyn a little skirt, a pair of shorts, and then my big find was a great pair of Nike tennis shoes in great condition. This all for the grand total of $4! I LOVE BARGAINS!!! At this rate, I'm going to have Catelyn ready for the summer for half the price that I would spend at even consignment sales! I know my Mom is so proud! I'm posting a picture of her little shoes. I was just so excited!

New Camera

I posted a while back that I lost my camera on Christmas day. Well, I'm still very sad at that loss, but I have gotten through it. My sweet friend Ashley loaned me her camera for a while, and then last week I got a new one! Yea!! I'm still learning how to use it, but here are some of the pics I've taken with it.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Zoo with Aunt Sarah & Clayton

This past Friday, Me, Catelyn, Sarah and Clayton all headed to the Birmingham Zoo to visit the animals. We had such a good time. Clayton had never been before, and he got so excited about everything. It was precious! It was also fun getting to hang with Sarah while knowing the kids were completely entertained. Here are a few pics of our day.

*All of us together in front of the Lion and Lioness.

*Catelyn and Clayton amuzed by the monkeys.

*Clayton a little unsure of the big ol' snake!

*Catelyn checking out the aligator.

*Our sweet, happy babies back at the house. Fun day!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Taking Advantage of a Beautiful Day

Cookies with Catelyn

Lately, Catelyn and I have been doing some baking. She has learned how to do sprinkles (although I think she had a better times sprinkling her lap and the table that the actual cookie) and she has also learned how to make homemade chocolate chip cookies (her daddy's favorite!). It's been so fun having her in the kitchen with me. Here are a few pictures of our baking adventures.