Sunday, April 12, 2009


Since last Sunday, Catelyn has been super sick with lower respiratory disease- i.e. really nasty, nasty cold. Such an exagerated name for a diagnosis. :) Anyways, she still is not 100% so Catelyn and I didn't get to go to church this morning. We were able to go to Montevallo to spend time with Will's family, so that was really nice. I missed hearing the Easter message, but was glad to be with family and celebrate with them. We had such a good time, and it was fun giving Catelyn her Easter basket and watching her get excited about what she found. I hope you all had a very Happy Easter celebrating our risen Savior!

Will and Catelyn feeding Rose.

Catelyn playing on the same toy piano Mama Jack played on as a little girl.

Pops and Catelyn checking out her Easter basket.

Catelyn and Mama Jack.

Hunting Eggs

Catelyn hunted for eggs for the very first time today, and she did awesome!! I wasn't sure if she would get in to it or not, but she took off with it and had a ball. It was funny to watch her though, because rather than collecting her eggs and than sitting down to see what was in them, she stopped after finding each egg to see what it had inside. She did so good, and had so much fun finding stickers and little plastic rings, and of course...candy!

Starting to understand how to hunt eggs.

Pausing to see what she got.

Realizing this is FUN, and pointing to other eggs she sees.

Loving the effort! :)

I'm not sure if you can really see her face or not, but the look of determination to find more eggs, cracks me up!

This picture also makes me laugh, because that particular egg didn't have anything in it. The look on her face is like..."what the heck!"

Finding more eggs!

How can you not love that sweet face!!

Checking out her bounty.

Way to go! She found the last egg!

Spring Pictures

New Kitchen

Let me tell you...I love garage sales!! You can find the greatest stuff at the best prices. My latest finds have been a toy cash register (which I later saw at Target for $15) for 10 cents, a great book case with doors at the bottom for Catelyn's room for $5 (it did need to be sanded a painted, but turned out great), but my best find of the season so far is Catelyn's new kitchen! I found it a church garage sale for $5! She has had a blast with it, and all it took was some clorox and some love to make it like new! Garage em!

Mom's Birthday

Last weekend was my Mom's birthday, and she wanted to celebrate by spending the day with Sarah and I and the babies. We were more than happy to celebrate with her! After all...she is one of my favorite people to hang out with!

Before she came, Catelyn wanted to give Mamaw a gift, so she painted a picture for her. She did a GREAT job! It was the first time she had painted, and I was very pleasantly suprised at how well she did and how clean she stayed. I forgot to get a finished picture of her painting, but I thought it turned out really sweet.

We ended up having a great weekend, and it was super fun getting to hang out with Mom, Sarah and Clayton. We ended up taking the kids to the mall to do a little shopping and to let the kids ride the carousel. If you know me and my mom, we tend to get a little silly when we are together. We were shopping for a friend at Motherhood maternity, and decided to strap the belly on mom. We got a pretty good laugh out of this, so I thought I would share the pictures. :)

Funny Faces and Funny Sleeper

Every night, before I go to bed, I check on Catelyn. It usually makes me laugh, because I always find her in the strangest sleeping positions. Finally, I decided to grab the camera. These particular pictures are from two different nights, but it cracks me up that she can sleep this way. The other pictures are just for giggles. :)