Monday, April 21, 2008

I've Been Tagged!

A friend of mine tagged me with a short questionaire about myself. is some useless information I know you've all wanted to know about me. haha!!

1. What was I doing 10 years ago?
I was a Freshman in college. Wow!! How time flies!

2. 5 Things on my To Do List:
-Grocery store
-Make dinner
-Pack- to go to Tuscaloosa to help take care of my Dad while he recovers from surgery

3. 5 Snacks I enjoyI:
-wheat thins
-peanut butter & crackers

4. 5 Things I would do if I were a Billionaire:
-Give one heck of a tithe
-Buy my mom a house with a big front porch
-Buy a house that had enough room for me to have a craft room. sigh...
-Buy a monogram machine
-Go on an AWESOME vacation!!

5. 5 Bad Habits:
-Watching TV
-waiting until I have about 5 loads to do laundry
-waiting three days before taking a shower. :)
-leaving cups in the car
-forget to fill up the water cooler

6. 5 Places I've Lived:
-Dallas, TX
-Tulsa, OK
-Greenville, MS
-Tuscaloosa, AL
-Birmingham, AL

7. 5 Jobs I've Had:
-Macy's Department store
-Cypress Inn
-15th St. Diner
-Valley Ridge Apartment Homes (hated that place!!!!!!)
-Clark & James

Tag your it!

-Sarah Burgess
-Rachel Norris
-Susie Lovekamp
-Kelly Akers

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