My parents have a treadmill at their house, and Catelyn loves to walk on it. I captured it on video the other night, and as you can hear by my cackling in the footage, I thought it was quite funny.
This year for Halloween, I made Catelyn a little 50's girl outift. She looked so precious prancing around in her little skirt. We stopped by the neighborhood block party and then headed to Tuscaloosa for UA's Homecoming. When we got to t-town, we met up with my parents and went over to the quad for the bonfire. The next morning, we went to the strip and Catelyn watched her first parade. I think it was a little overwhelming for her with the band, the siren's and all the big mac trucks blowing their horns. We had a fun time. That night, Will and I went to a belated Halloween party. We couldn't really come up with anything creative, so we dressed as 70's people. It was fun getting to dress up and especially seeing the creativity of the others that came. Thanks Kristen, Noelle and Les for getting everything together! :)
This post is a little late, but needed posting about non-the-less. Last weekend, my awesome parents took Catelyn for the whole weekend!!! It was such a nice break and made it so great knowing how much Catelyn enjoys her Mamaw and Papaw. Will and I had such a great time! We went out to dinner, went to the bookstore, slept in until 9:00, went on walks, and just all in all had a great weekend. On Sunday afternoon, we headed to Tuscaloosa and met my parents at Cypress Inn for lunch then packed up our sweet little girl to head back home. It was a sweet time that Will and I had to spend together, but we were both ready to have our baby back. Thanks mom and dad for such a sweet gift to us. We love you very much!!!
*Papaw, Catelyn and Abby
*Mamaw & Catelyn
*"Helping" Mamaw push the stroller at the mall. :)
*At dinner time, Mamaw had made Catelyn some mashed potatoes. Some how or another, Catelyn had grabbed this huge spoon off the counter top and used it to feed herself! Hilarious!