Yesterday, Will started a new job that we are so excited about. We truly feel that it is a blessing from the Lord that the whole thing came about. For the past two years, Will had been working doing litigation type law- and although he loved the people he worked with, the type of work was not what he had wanted to do. We prayed about all different directions we should take, and even came very close to moving to New York. Fortunately, God opened up a door using a friend from law school that allowed him to get a job here in town doing transactional work. YEA!!! I am so thankful that we are able to stay close to family, friends and our church- and we don't have to go through the headache of selling our house. Hallelujah!! For those of you that have known about our crazy roller coaster ride, I wanted to thank you for all the prayers and encouragement- I love and appreciate you all!!