Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Dog Gone Fire Ants!!!!

Yesterday, Will and Catelyn were playing out back when all the sudden Catelyn starts screaming. Will runs and picks her up and realizes she has stepped in a bed of fire ants. Not understanding what was going on, she just stood there allowing the evil ants to tear up her little legs. It was absolutely heart breaking. The picture doesn't do it justice at all. She probably has around 30-40 fire ant bites on those little swollen feet. It kept her up all night last night burning and itching. My heart goes out to her. If any of ya'll know of a solution to the burning and itching, PLEASE pass it on. So sorry sweet girl!


Sarah said...

benadryl!!! it really helps Nolan and he is really allergic. Those ants make me so mad!!!

Jason and Laura Brantley said...

that is heartbreaking. and i was thinking the same thing...benadryl. get the oral medication and the cream!

Leigh Collins said...

We use either Benadryl cream/spray or if you can find this stuff called AfterBite - it seems to take the itch out quicker/better! Both girls have done the same thing and it just makes you hurt for them! A still has scars on her feet from this spring - they have learned the hard way to avoid those ant hills!