Monday, January 10, 2011

8 Months Old

It's crazy how much faster the second baby hits each new month so much quicker than the first. I feel like Tripp's 8 months of life have gone by in a blink of an eye. He is changing so much. He is thinning out a little and is loosing the "infant" baby look. Makes me a little sad. :( He has his two bottom teeth and will bite pretty good if your finger gets in the way. He is going from laying to sitting up and has started pulling up a little. He is on the verge of figuring out crawling, but isn't quite there yet. I'm trying to soak up the days of only having one mobile child as long as I can. He has started saying dadadada and making motor boat and indian noises. He is definitely my cuddly child, and I love that about him. He just started eating table food and is doing great. As of this week, I have stopped nursing and he is now on formula, this is a little bitter sweet, but liberating at the same time. ha. Happy 8 months sweet guy!

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MelkiHassa said...
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